Majestic St. George's Anglican Church
This photo of St. George's Church is taken from the back of the building from atop a pedestrian bridge across the Speed River.

Henry Langley 1836-1907
One of the most prolific architects in 19th-centruy Ontario. Langley was born in Toronto. In 1862, following his apprenticeship as an architect, he formed a partnership with Thomas Gundry. Langley undertook commissions for residential, commercial and public structures, but soon began to specialize in the design of ecclesiastical buildings. Working with the firm known initially as Langley, Langley and Burke from 1872 until his retirement, he developed an extensive practice, fashioning some 70 churches throughout the province and altering or enlarging many more.
St. George's Anglican Church, completed in 1873, is representative of his masterly High Victorian Gothic designs. Well regarded by his peers, Langley figured prominently in the development of the architectural profession in Ontario, training many architects who later gained renown.
The Main Door of the Church
Nice shots! I love the blue sky, and the majestic buildings!
have a nice Sunday there!
Beautiful building!
Hi Pat. Thanks for your comments on my Miami everyday photo blog. It's not that easy to get one photo a day of a city. That's a lot of work because you really have to look and come up with good ideas.
Wonderfully captured shots!
I find something : your churches and your town looks like many towns of the North of France ! I think we are almost on the same latitude. Pont-sur-Sambre is at 50:13:25 of latitude, and Guelf ?
So, now I found on Google Earth. You are at 43°32'O7.11"N. More in the South than we, but colder !
Beautiful post! And thanks to your map, I found that I probably drove by Guelph on my way from Michigan to Toronto ;-)
(so glad you like my poem today)
A perfect photo for Sunday, Pat.
About the face on the tree, it's made of ceramic. I have only seen one or two of these faces around here.
Great buildings! That's exactly the kind of buildings I miss here in Japan, where they build everything with plastic and concrete.
What a glorious church!
What a beautiful church building. We don't see too many of those anymore, do we? Nice shot :)
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