Saturday, May 19, 2007

Chickadee in the apple tree

I love little chickadees. They are such tame little birds but they don't sit long to get their photo taken.

This little one was in my apple tree today.

Black-Capped Chickadee


photowannabe said...

This looks like a notecard. its precious.

angela said...

That is so perfect..

Anonymous said...

Nice picture of the chickadee. They are small. We have two types here and one is considerably smaller than the other. One, not counting its tail feathers, is only about the size of the bottom part of my thumb. It also will eat on a suet cake. The black capped chickadee and the carolina chickadee. The Carolina is the smaller of the two.

Abraham Lincoln

alice said...

I didn't know this name of chickadee. Is it the same bird that bluetit?

~tanty~ said...

Very beautiful photo. I love it!

pusa said...

nice photo and lucky you for capturing it for us

Z said...

Lovely, lovely photo!

Anonymous said...